Add Facebook Like This Share Icon To Your Blog Posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to add the facebook buttons to your Blog

First up i will give you the code for the button and then we will look at were you can add the buttons in your blog posts.

Facebook Like Button Code :
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:40px;'/><a href=''><img alt='Blogging Tips And Tricks' src=''/></a>

Were To Place The Button

In this post we will look at three places you can add the button

*Below the post title
*At the top of the post
*Below the entire post

First go to your blogs html by following these three steps - In your dashboard click 'Layout' > 'Edit Html' > Tick the 'Expand Widget Templates' box.

To add the button directly below the post titles Find the following code in your blogs Html :
(Click Ctrl and F for a search bar to help find the code
<div class='post-header-line-1'>

Now paste the facebook button code Directly Below / Under <div class='post-header-line-1'>

To add the button at the top of the posts Find the following code in your blogs Html
(Click Ctrl and F for a search bar to help find the code
Now paste the Facebook button code Directly Before / Above <data:post.body/>

To add the button directly below the posts Find the following code in your blogs Html :

(Click Ctrl and F for a search bar to help find the code
Now paste the Facebook code Directly Below / Under <data:post.body/>

Once you have the Facebook code pasted were you want the button to appear and your template saved go check out your new share option.